Anna Maria Locke

June 2015

6 lessons I'm learning from self-employment

June 2015Anna LockeComment

It’s officially been nine months since I quit my job to work for myself and build my coaching business! Yup, I could have birthed a baby in that amount of time, and sometimes it definitely feels like that's exactly what I'm doing. The past nine months have rocked me, shaken me to my core, provided me with some of the highest highs and lowest lows of my life, and I have been learning SO MUCH about myself along the way!

The thing is, when you make a decision like “I’m going to go for broke and do this thing!”, you have no idea what’s going to happen. You can’t predict the road ahead, and you don't know what it's going to feel like when you actually do hit that "oh shit, I'm actually broke" point. You just have to take the plunge, cling to this crazy faith in your ability to navigate challenges and succeed, and keep your heart and mind open to learning, growth, and new opportunities. It's been the biggest lesson in trust and faith I've ever experienced and a big spiritual journey that's completely changing my perception of myself, my place in the world, God's "plan" for my life, and what I'm truly capable of.

It’s a journey for sure. A lifelong journey that never ends. I’m learning so much. The biggest learning curve of my life!

I think it’s easy to glorify the “quit your day job” thing when you have a hobby business or side hustle (or dream of starting one), but I want to be really transparent, authentic, and real about what it takes to actually go pro and be an entrepreneur, what it takes to actually build an online business from the ground up. I want to share everything I’m going through because it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and to be honest, sometimes it’s so hard I find myself desperately sobbing, feeling like I am tearing apart and being blown open on the inside, seeking something that I can’t tangibly describe.

Something I didn’t expect when I quit my job was how I’d learn so much about myself, and how intense that process would be. I’ve been experiencing a profound and super deep growing awareness, like an awakening I guess. It’s very personal, very spiritual, makes me feel extremely vulnerable and sensitive.

This week has been a little more roller-coastery than normal. (Whatever "normal" means, ha!) I’m getting my groove and motivation back, I’m working out again, I’m actually making progress on the watercolor project that I’ve been trying to manifest for years, I’m reaching a comfortable place in my coaching business. But because I'm heading towards actually ARRIVING at this next level of ownership and leadership instead of just working towards it, I’m also going through some really insane dark deep terrifying moments and having to confront the deepest darkest feelings that are holding me back from blasting through my own limits.

I’ve been working with a life coach for the past couple of months (hi Cady!), which has been amazing. She's (kindly and nicely) forcing me to stop ignoring or blaming myself for having negative feelings so I can accept myself completely. But to accept the dark means to face dive straight into the pit and let it wash over me, proving that the darkness and the Fear is actually nothing to be truly afraid of.

This process is INTENSE, let me tell you. Yesterday I had a full on meltdown...I let The Fear take over for a little bit and allowed myself to hit rock bottom in a desperate pit of despair and self pity. Luckily I know that I can expect moments like this, and I’m not alone and have an entire amazing team of coaches to reach out to, so I humbled myself to ask for help and booked a triage chat with my friend and mentor Chelsea. She helped me see my situation from an outside perspective, and I had this really really weird realization:

I am currently going through a super hard and intense “break-up” with the Old Anna.

Old Anna: The limited, small, insecure, low-confidence/low self worth, dreaming, ego-driven girl I’ve been for the past few years, especially since I left grad school and went through my "Quarter Life Crisis" unemployment phase.

New Anna: Confident, strong, empowered, successful, courageous, full-potential, action taking, dream chasing, building an empire and being seen. Anna Unleashed, v 2.0. AHHHH!

And I think I might be experiencing some symptoms of heartbreak as I let go of the safety and comfort zone of Old Anna? I don’t know...this might be whacko but bear with me as I explore this concept because it kind of makes sense. Anxiety, desperation, fear, off and on malaise and I don’t even care mixed with I care so much I can’t take it, this physical feeling of tension like a big dark rock in the pit of my core.

This has been really overwhelming because I’ve actually never experienced a broken heart before. I know, I know, I’m so sheltered, haha! I didn’t seriously date anyone in high school, and I’ve been with Ben since I was 19.

Deep down I know that everything will be ok. I know I’ll be ready to fully embrace Anna 2.0. But in the moment, I’m just not there yet. She still scares me. Because what happens when you realize your dreams? What comes next?

Haha! I’m laughing at myself. I love that I can smile and laugh at myself.

And all it’s going to take is TIME! I’m not trapped. I’m fine, I’m safe, I am in exactly the right place I need to be...I just need to ride it out.

What a relief!

The biggest lesson I'm learning in this adventure is that when you decide to start your own business, you're going to have to do twice as much work on YOURSELF than you do on the actual business.

Here are six more lessons coming at me and through me from the School of Life:

What I'm Learning from Self-Employment

1. How to love myself!

You wanna know something really scary? Our capacity for loving others is limited by the love we have for ourselves. What does that mean? It means that you can’t love anyone else until you love yourself. This is pretty painful to admit, and I don’t even have kids yet. I’m in business to share love and joy and inspiration, but I’m limited because I’m so hard on myself, I am battling fear and never feeling good that's what I'm working on! How to take the concept of "self-love" and self care seriously and not blow it off as something unnecessary or selfish.

Our job is to tend to our own rowth as people, our grace and integrity and humility. We need no other goal...making our goal anything other than peace is emotionally self-destructive.
— Marianne Williamson

2. How to separate myself from the Fear

The Fear is real, it’s paralyzing. It’s intangible and makes no logical sense. I'm afraid of failure, afraid of success, afraid of being seen, afraid of "what comes next," afraid of letting myself and other people down, afraid of not being good enough, of never making money, of feeling broke and desperate and overwhelmed forever, afraid of leaving my comfort zone, of doing the work, of expanding and growing. 

But I'm accepting that although the Fear will always be there, it doesn't have to control me. It's separate from who I really am. I can feel it and tell it "thanks but no thanks, I'm going for it anyway!"

3. How to surrender control 

My job is to show up, be the best version of myself I can be, and have faith that everything is going to be fine. It's not about how much I can accomplish or produce or achieve, it's about how I can bring my best self to the table everyday and be of service to others. 

4. I am already good enough, I already know everything I need to know

I don’t need to learn more or get BETTER, I just need to take action and do the work. I'm addicted to accumulating knowledge, but there's such thing as information overload! 

When you’re starting an online business, it’s easy to get swept up in “learning” mode. There are so many podcasts, e-courses, blogs, books, experts out there telling you how you should or shouldn’t run your business and what you NEED to do to be successful. It’s really important to figure out what information you actually need to get started, and to choose your mentors wisely.

The truth is, you don’t need more information. Just trust yourself and do the work. 

Create more than you consume.

5. How to simplify and kill the drama queen

I love blowing things out of proportion inside my head, overanalyzing, overthinking, and going down the dangerous dark spiral of mental overwhelm. But taking baby steps, simplifying the process, and trusting in the compound effect is how you'll make your dreams come true. Look around--there are so many people who are less skilled, less talented, and not as smart as you DOING THE EXACT THINGS YOU ARE HOLDING YOURSELF BACK FROM. Get over yourself and just start. Easier said than done, but true nonetheless.

Making a big fat deal out of anyhting is absurd. Life is a game. Take the pressure off and get back in the adventure.
— Jen Sincero

6. I don’t have to be perfect or project positivity all the time

Here comes the Big Thing, the elephant in my room. I'm really proud of myself for reaching the point that I can actually share this publicly:

I am not naturally an outgoing, extroverted, positive, and optimistic person. And that is SO okay.


Yes, I definitely have those qualities and can turn them on….but I’m not that way 100% of the time and I can stop trying to pressure myself to be someone I'm not. I’m emotionally volatile, I am complicated, I am high strung and have “issues” like perfectionism + workaholism + low self esteem that hold me back from accepting myself and loving others. I'm overly critical, jealous of people who have what I want, and I make myself feel small by comparing my life to others. These darker qualities have brought me a lot of inner guilt and shame, and I've tried to ignore them or avoid them. Until now--I'm learning to embrace myself for the good and the bad. I have the power to overcome my weaknesses, but that's not the point, and I don't have to beat myself up about it.

The point is that your biggest weaknesses help define who you are, they're where your story lies, and they will connect you to others.

As a health and fitness coach, there is so much pressure to look like an expert, to be constantly motivated and on top of my game...but that’s not real! Real life is messy, it’s not perfect, it’s full of ups and downs and THAT IS OK. I'm ok. You're ok. We are all ok together. Let's relax and have more fun :)

I want to challenge the “all or nothing” mentality. You don’t have to be perfect or follow a plan perfectly to get results and be happy. Don’t freak out if you have a bad day. Don’t give up if you fall off track. All we can do is accept that we’re not perfect, expect to have bad days, and keep moving forward and trying our best!

I’m not perfect. I let myself down all the time. But I’m learning how to lower my impossible expectations and treat myself with kindness, compassion, and grace

The truth is, if you constantly feel like you need to DO MORE, achieve more, reach some far off goal to be happy….your happiness and success will always remain in the future.


So I’ve decided I don’t want to feel overwhelmed, anxious, and self-critical anymore. I’m saying NO to the perfectionism and relentless pressure.

I’m accepting that I don’t have to have everything figured out and I don’t have to have all the answers. I’m not an expert at anything except learning how to be the best possible version of myself, and accepting my imperfections. I don’t have to always feel on top of my game.

It’s ok to just sit back and process the change, open my mind and my heart to growth and love, let go and surrender and STOP being so dang hard on myself...but also to treat myself gently when I do fall back into old habits.

It's ok give myself time.

xo Anna

p.s. Wanna read the whole crazy story from the beginning? 

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Month One
Month Two
Month Three
Month Seven

Salmon Mango Cashew Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

June 2015Anna LockeComment

Happy Thursday! And happy JUNE! Where did this month even come from? I don't know but life keeps chugging right along.

I've been busy with life lately. Not gonna lie, it's been intense. May was jam packed with friends, fun, business stuff, and personal growth, par for the course over here on the entrepreneurial rollercoaster!

Here's what's been going down behind the scenes...

+ I officially launched my weekly newsletter (you can sign up here for a weekly dose of love, inspiration, updates, and whatever random stuff comes out of my brain)!!

+ I'm still working through Marie Forleo's B-School, an epic online business and marketing program.

+ I've officially fallen in love with Australian life coaches (they are so dang gorgeous, inspiring, warm-hearted, and positive) and signed up for Rachel MacDonald's Bright Eyed & Blog Hearted e-course...we're in week 1 and it's already giving me so many exciting ideas for this space! Plus the online community is chock full of talented, supportive, uplifting creatives and coaches on the same journey as me. Just what I need right now! Expect to see lots of design changes and more activity over here as I play with the blog and figure out where I'm going with it :)

+ I finished reading several life-changing books that are helping me overcome my anxiety/perfectionism and see myself in a brand new light, including The Artist's Way, A New Earth, and Spirited*. I highly recommend all three of these books for those of you who have been resonating with my latest posts! Warning: They're intense! If you're just getting started with personal development, email me for my recommendations!

+ I'm finally working on some digital watercolor art prints to add to the Etsy shop!! You can follow along on my new shop Instagram account :)

+ Last weekend my friend Kathleen and I braved a freezing (40's) rainy outdoor Lana Del Ray concert. "Summertime Sadness" indeed....but it was really fun nonetheless!

+ Ben and I BOUGHT A GRILL!!! At Aldi. For $39.99. That aisle of random stuff gets us every time. It's Ben's last week of teaching and I am so excited! This is my first self-employed summer and it's going to be amazing.

Speaking of summer, I've been throwing together lots of yummy, fresh and healthy salads for lunch and dinner now that the weather is warming up. Here's one of my new favorites!

Salmon Mango Cashew Salad with Lime Vinaigrette

(inspired by Tone It Up)
Serves 2


+ 2 pieces of salmon
+ Your favorite seasonings
+ 1 cup fresh or thawed frozen mango
+ ½ cup dry quinoa, cooked according to package directions
+ mixed greens
+ goat cheese
+ cashews

Lime Vinaigrette

+ 2 T olive oil
+ juice of half a lime
+ 2 T rice wine vinegar


Season and broil the salmon for 5-7 minutes, or until done. Assemble ingredients, drizzle with vinaigrette, and enjoy!

xo Anna

*affiliate link for I said, I am obsessed with Rach right now!

What to do when you're lacking motivation to workout!

June 2015Anna LockeComment
What to do when you're lacking motivation to workout

Imagine this scenario.

You’ve finally made the brave, bold, enthusiastic decision to COMMIT to your health and fitness. This is going to be it. This is going to finally be the time you join the gym/start running/lose the last 10 pounds/lose the first 10 pounds/start putting your health first!

For a few days, weeks, maybe even months you are on FIYAHHH and on top of your game!

You’re pushing your body, reveling in the soreness of your worked muscles, you're victoriously learning how to kick the diet coke, artificial sweetener, and junk food habits and are replacing them with water, veggies, delicious whole foods. You’re learning how amazing your body feels when you stop treating it like a garbage disposal. You’ve never felt more alive, more strong, more powerful and confident and beautiful. You’re on a roll! You’re doing it! You’re finally living up to the woman you were born to be! YOU FEEL AMAZING!

And then…

One day…

You hit a wall. Maybe the scale isn't budging, or it's raining, or work gets crazy. Your motivation goes out the window and you can’t remember why you started. The couch and pizza are calling your name, you’re thrown off, you can’t motivate yourself to get up in the morning to workout, you just don’t care anymore. Maybe something happened to throw you off, or maybe it’s unexplainable.

What do you do? Are you just not good enough? Maybe you convince yourself you’ll never reach your goals and give up.

Have you ever experienced this story?

If you're a woman, there's a good chance you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Sometimes we call it the yo-yo cycle, the sabotage, the plateau. It’s easy to give up when your motivation goes away, easy to revert to your old habits, gain back the weight, and fall into the pity party trap of self loathing and low self esteem.

Let me tell you that YOU ARE NORMAL.

And I want you to know that losing motivation on your health and fitness journey (even back-sliding a bit) is SUPER EXTRA NORMAL. Life is full of ups and downs, it’s not a straight line. Sometimes we have energy, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes our priorities shift and we have other things to think about.

It’s all good!

Here’s my truth. Even though I’m now a full time health and fitness coach and it’s my JOB and my joy to work out, treat my body right, and inspire other women to do the same, I've been struggling a lot lately with lack of energy and motivation myself!! And it seems like a lot of women I talk to have been struggling lately too, either with motivation, craziness at home or work, body image, and general lack of mojo.

YOU GUYS! Let’s stop beating ourselves up and just embrace the fact that we all deal with this rollercoaster of energy.

Have you ever seen a heart monitor? What does it look like? A healthy heart looks like a series of peaks and valleys. A straight line means you’re dead. Soooo why do we expect life to look like a straight line? Why do we let the downs throw us off? Let’s talk about this!

What to do when you’re lacking motivation on your health and fitness journey

Sometimes we get too caught up in the “should's,” in believing what the media and fitness professionals are throwing at us.

“I should work out”
“I need to eat cleaner”
“I shouldn’t have eaten those cookies”
“I should lose 5 pounds”
“I need to get back on track”
"I am a failure if I mess up"
"I should just give up, I can't do this"

Can we please help each other cut ourselves some slack? There is SO much information out there, but only YOU have the power to decide what’s ultimately best for you and your goals. Listen to your body and it will tell you exactly what you need. Stop letting the little voice inside your head convince you that you’re not good enough, that you need to change or improve to be better. The truth is, you’re good enough right now! You already have everything you need to live up to your full potential and be happy. Sometimes being happy means giving ourselves a break!

There’s nothing wrong with taking a few days off your workouts. In fact, giving your muscles a chance to repair themselves and grow is essential to getting stronger and boosting your metabolism safely and without injury. This tip is especially for you if you’re the type of girl who considers a “rest day” to mean a power walk and hot yoga class. (Yup that’s me).

Go be lazy for a few days! You won’t gain weight, you won’t ruin your progress, trust me.

It's ok to give your body a rest, but it's never ok to treat your body like a garbage disposal. Make sure you're staying hydrated and nourishing your body with healthy foods that will energize you! I'm talking giant salads for lunch, add some spinach into your Shakeology, and complex carbs like sweet potatoes and whole grains. They say that 80% of your results come from what you eat, not your workouts! You will still see and feel progress as long as you're eating right.

I've had to lay off the Instagram lately because my feed is chock full of Tone It Up girls crushing the bikini series and working out for 2 hours a day, fitspo, and unattainable abs. I start feeling like I'm not good enough and comparing myself to other people, even though their goals are NOT my goals! I'm trying to adopt the mentality "good for you, not for me." We are all on different journeys and at different points along the way. That's ok!

You might have heard the quote "don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle."
Well, don't compare your middle to someone else's middle either.

After you've taken a couple days off, it's time to get back on the wagon with a brisk walk or try a fun new workout from Beachbody On Demand! (Hip Hop Abs? Yoga Booty Ballet? Have fun and don't take yourself too seriously!) Or focus on lower intensity workouts like PiYo, pilates, or yoga! Here are my top 5 favorite fitness YouTube channels. Try something new! Remember that working out will give you more energy, so sometimes you just gotta force it!

When you workout because you want to torture your body into losing weight….it takes all the joy out of the process. Just move your body and find a workout that makes you happy! If you hate running, don’t force yourself to run! If the gym intimidates you, work out at home or find a fun beginner class! Do you. Make a date with a friend to go for a walk or try a new class.

p.s. Shaun T is releasing a new hip hop program called CIZE this summer and I got a sneak peek. If you want to watch a video of me making a fool of myself, head over to my Facebook page...

Shift your mindset away from the numbers, girl. I know it's easy to get discouraged when the scale isn't budging, but what does "weight" even mean? It's the gravitational force that the center of the earth is exerting on your physical body. Yup. It has NOTHING to do with your self worth as a human being. If it's messing with your emotions and you don't have the willpower to only weigh yourself once a week or every few weeks, trash the damn scale.

Start thinking about how you feel right AFTER you push through a good workout, and use that to motivate you to get started! Remember that it's a privilege to be healthy and have the ability to move and celebrate life.

Workout for the endorphins :)

Pick a plan and stick with it. What can you do every day? Think small and simple. Walk 20 minutes during lunch? Something is always better than nothing!

Finally, remember that we only have a certain amount of energy to give every day. Take a peek at your life--is a certain area really busy or draining right now? It might not be physical...maybe you took on more responsibility at work, or you've been dealing with some family stress or a transition. We can't be focused 110% on our fitness allllll the time, because sometimes other areas of life need our energy, and that's ok. Think about your priorities!

Right now, my priority is taking care of myself and keeping myself enthusiastic and happy as I start to level up in my business and create work/life boundaries. At the same time, I know that working out makes me FEEL confident, strong, energized, and happy afterwards, so I've been forcing myself to do it even if I "don't feel like it" or am lazy. Think about your end game!

Success doesn't come for free, it takes patience and consistency.

Just keep moving forward every day, one baby step at a time! 

xo Anna

P.S. Want a weekly dose of love and inspiration straight to your inbox? Sign up for my newsletter here!

P.PS. here's a great list of 31 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise!

Over the past fourteen months, I've had the privilege of getting to know over 150 women through my online health and fitness accountability groups. I may be a coach, but I feel like they coach me too. We've shared our stories, our struggles, our victories, our dreams, and our deepest insecurities and fears with each other. We've worked through personal breakthroughs and are discovering what we're truly capable of when we push our limits and comfort zones.

The moment you realize that you're not alone is a life changing wake-up call. That there are dozens of other talented, beautiful, smart, successful women out there who struggle with the EXACT same issues that you do.

Most of the time we feed on each others' energy and are on top of our game, but when you have ups you're guaranteed to have downs too. It's a fact of life! I've learned so much about myself along the way and I'm becoming really passionate about exploring the issues that we struggle with, especially figuring out why we're our own worst critics.

Why do we hold ourselves back from what we really want? What keeps us from embracing and growing into our full potential, our dream bodies, from being HAPPY and confident? Why do we sabotage ourselves when we're on the brink of experiencing a physical or emotional breakthrough?

Over the next few weeks I want to write more about the universal struggles I've faced on my own health and fitness journey, and what I'm learning about how to take back control in the moments when your life seems to be spinning away!

Do you have a question or a topic you'd like me to cover? Let me know!