Anna Maria Locke

Henry's Birth Story

Anna Locke

Baby Henry made his way into the world at the end of May at 11:11pm, one day past his due date just like his big brother!

He’s been with us now for three months, and watching a newborn seem to inflate over such a short period of time while navigating extreme sleep deprivation fog and trying to maintain a hold on your sanity is such a trip.

I want to share his birth story so I can process what happened and wrap up our “fourth trimester” with a sense of completion. 

I also love reading positive birth stories so I hope you enjoy this one, especially if you’re feeling a little nervous about adding a second baby to your own crew!

I was extremely grateful to get pregnant again so soon after my miscarriage, but last fall and winter were extremely challenging as we were in the process of buying, closing, and moving into our new house, I kept getting horrible colds T brought home from daycare, and I was dealing with some pretty major anxiety episodes as a result of all the personal craziness. Plus all day nausea that lasted well into the 2nd trimester, and the extra exhaustion of chasing after a 3 year old.

So although Baby was healthy and developing perfectly, this pregnancy was not enjoyable for my body and by 39 weeks I was more than ready to eject him!

Towards the last several weeks he was sitting pretty low and I was experiencing lots of hip and pelvic pain that made it really hard to move around or walk more than just around the house. I kept waiting and expecting to feel the signs of pre-labor that I had with my first pregnancy, like spotting, cramping etc but all that was happening was more and more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions. There were a couple nights they started to get regular and I was convinced THIS IS IT!! …but then I’d fall asleep and wake up in the morning feeling fine again. Gah!

At my 40 week check up on my due date, I saw an OB at the practice instead of my usual midwife, which was lucky because she was able to do a cervical check right away (usually my office visits were on a couch, not an exam room and I loved the noninvasive approach but I was ready to get serious). I was already at 2cm so I requested a membrane sweep, which I also had done at my 40 week with Thomas, which sent me into labor so I was hoping it would do the trick again!

Again, I was expecting to have the spotting and cramping I had experienced before, but it didn’t happen. My mom was staying with us that week to take care of Thomas, and they all left in late afternoon to pick up food while I chilled on the couch.

All of a sudden around 4-5pm I started to notice my BH contractions were feeling more regular again so I started timing them and sure enough, they were coming 5 minutes apart on the dot.

Around 7pm they suddenly started coming 3 minutes apart, so I paged the on-call midwife to check in and let her know things were happening. She suggested calling back in 3 hours to see how things were going. My early labor with Thomas had lasted about 12 hours before we left for the hospital so I assumed it was going to be a long night!

Each individual contraction started to feel more and more intense but still manageable, so around 9pm I called back and let her know we wanted to go to the hospital just to be safe and get settled in. I felt like we had left a little too late the first time around and I didn’t want be “that” pregnant lady like in the movies, rushing in all dramatic and yelling, half dressed and dripping fluid while an orderly rushes in with a wheelchair (aka Thomas’ arrival).

In between contractions I felt completely normal, so I was second guessing that I was even in labor! WHICH ONE OF THE MIDWIVES HAD WARNED ME ABOUT so I am glad I decided to listen to my body and instincts, not my brain, as we will find out!

And of course every time I was on the phone with her my body would stop contracting, so I must have sounded delusional about the whole thing. I kept waiting and waiting for signs of progress, but I wasn’t getting anything which really messed with my head and made me think I was still in early or false labor. I mean, who gets a membrane sweep at 2cm without even a tiny bit of spotting?!

By this time it was around Thomas’ bedtime so we did our normal routine and I laid down with him to put him to sleep. While in labor. What a second time mom moment LOL. 

Then Ben threw our bags and stuff into the car and we said bye to my mom, while I was still second guessing my whole decision to head in so early.

As soon as we were driving to the hospital I realized I made the right choice! Contractions were getting intense enough that I had to stop to breathe through them as we walked in from the parking garage. Another dad who was heading to his car told us “good luck” with a smile and I wanted to punch him in the face.

We checked in around 9:45. Sure enough, I was already 6cm dilated and so began my refrain of yelling “are you SERIOUS?!” at our midwife Julie as I was still in denial. Triage was very uncomfortable and challenging but luckily we breezed through really fast and got checked into a room.

On the whiteboard where they put all your info, the nurse had written “Henry” under the baby section, and seeing his name officially for the first time made me feel really excited, like this is actually happening!

I decided I definitely wanted an epidural this time around, so they got that ordered and I labored for a while on all fours on the bed. I could literally feel his little body moving down through my pelvis, it was wild. Not fun, but I was still decently managing the contractions.

Of course it always takes like an hour to get the actual epidural inserted (I ran out of time with Thomas and had him unmedicated which felt like actual torture) so by the time we were making the decision I was already at 7-8cm but still wanted it to get through transition. Everyone always says the insertion is the most painful part but I actually didn’t feel much at all and it went great, much better than I anticipated! My uterus was a champ and didn’t even contract through the insertion process which was one of my fears.

Another thing I didn’t know is that it takes 20 minutes or so for the anesthesia to make its way through your body. So once the angel nurses were finally situating me on the bed to let it kick in, the midwife told me to let her know when I started feeling some pressure like I needed to poop.

Pretty much the very next contraction I was like, “uhhh I feel like I need to poop!” and she looked down and said, “it’s the head!” to which my response was “LET’S GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!”

So picture the scene: I’m flat on my back in the bed surrounded by pillows, the epidural is juuuuust barely making my legs tingly, I don’t even know what Ben is doing at this point, and I am trying to push as best I can while half numb and prone. After only a couple push attempts the midwife says, “he’s coming out in the amniotic sac, this is so cool!” and all the nurses in the room freak out with excitement, grab Ben’s phone and start snapping photos of my crotchal region (which I’m happy we have photos of the event, but dang it is graphic haha). Apparently my water didn’t break until his head was coming out! RIP midwife’s cute white sneakers.

And just like that he was born! What! Are you serious?!

They immediately placed him on my chest and I was just in utter disbelief that I had a baby already. He was born at 11:11 so we didn’t even make it to the next day. Because he was a little stunned from his fast arrival he needed a little oxygen and help to get his breathing going but thankfully the NICU team took one look and said “oh he’s fine.”

Did I mention he pooped everywhere? Thomas also dumped his load of meconium while being placed on my chest, but Henry pooped, then pooped, then pooped some more while he was on my chest, while he was being measured, while he was having his first shampoo to wash off the poop. I think he pooped 6 times in his first 12 hours of life when you’re supposed to track it all, before he even really ate anything. In case you’ve never had a baby, the stuff that’s in their intestines in utero is like sticky black tar and they pump it out like a soft serve machine, it’s gross but also kind of hilarious.

My epidural finally sort of kicked in right after he was born so I had a really euphoric golden hour, and didn’t even have any tearing or need stitches despite his fast and furious entry (ARE YOU SERIOUS?!)

Overall I don’t regret getting the epidural because the whole process gave me something tangible to focus on during active labor and I fortunately had no side effects besides a little itchiness as it wore off and a sore spot at the insertion site for a couple days.

Would I have gotten one had I known how fast he was going to come? Maybe not, but I still think it took the worst edge off the last contractions. If you’ve done unmedicated, you know the difference between 7cm and 10cm? It felt like I peaked out at 7-8 and never had time to enter that void of alternate consciousness where you feel like your body can’t possibly endure another minute. And I didn’t miss that one bit. Yay! But that’s also probably because he came so fast, less than 90 minutes after we checked into the hospital and about 5 hours after I started tracking my “Braxton Hicks.” I do think the false labor I had all week had been doing something.

Our hospital stay was a sleepless blur, but going through things the second time and knowing what to expect helped me actually enjoy it and try to intentionally soak up every moment instead of freaking out about going days without sleeping.

The whole labor and delivery experience felt night and day different from the first time around, in that it was so fast, calm, and overall less of a sense of urgency and overwhelming pain.

So there ya have it!

Everyone says each baby and birth experience is different, but it’s still amazing to me that it can be so different between births for the same mom.

Henry is the sweetest, calmest, delightful little squish and I absolutely love having a family of four! We feel complete (barring an act of God) and while it did take my brain a little while to catch up and bond with him, we are finding our groove and time is flying by.

The last three  months have flown by in a blur, but I also can barely remember the time before him. Which I think is one way to sum up parenthood!


How I'm planning my self-employed maternity leave as a second time mom

2023Anna Locke

We’re officially in the 2 month countdown until baby boy arrives, and I’ve been doing a lot of planning and strategizing around how I want to approach taking leave from my business this second time around.

You can read about how I planned my first maternity leave here

What I learned from my first self employed “maternity leave” and postpartum experience

The biggest challenge I faced the first time around was simply inexperience. I was having my first baby and literally didn’t know what it would be like to be a new mom! Would I want to work less or take a break to spend more time with my baby? I assumed I wouldn’t want to put my infant in full time daycare (flexibility was the main reason I started my own business in the first place) but how much childcare would I need? How do you even find childcare? How would I make enough money to pay for all our new expenses and still take care of myself? 

All I could do was see what my friends and peers were going through as they had babies, and absorb all the advice I was getting from all sides.

The overarching message I was absorbing was “the baby years go by so fast, and you will never regret spending more time with your baby! You will want to be present and soak it all up.”

So, I didn’t really make any set-in-stone postpartum plans for childcare or work, and decided to just see what I wanted and needed after I had my baby.

Regarding my business, my life coach and spiritual mentor at the time advised me to drop everything and focus on building up my 1:1 client base because with the type of work I do, it would be possible to take client calls with a baby. 

But I completely ignored her :P and went on to attempt way too many goals, projects, and launches- ultimately spreading myself too thin and making little progress, which just compounded my stress and feelings of overwhelm.

Ah, the curse of the easily inspired multi-passionista!


After my husband went back to work (back in the pre-pandemic days when he commuted to an office), I was left all alone all day with a wailing nugget, felt completely alone, and sunk into postpartum depression with the isolation and brain numbing monotony.

Re-learning how to do basic things as a new mom like getting out of the house or driving somewhere with my baby felt completely insurmountable. 


What I’ve learned through experience about crafting your own maternity leave as a solo entrepreneur can be summed up by what I’m calling “the 3 S’s:”

Support, Simplify, and Systematize!

  1. Set Up Support!

If you only do one thing to prepare your life and business for having a baby, THIS IS IT.

You are going to need so much support, and that is completely normal! It doesn’t mean you’re weak or a failure. We live in a culture (in the US) that was literally founded on freedom and independence, but the fact is that you can’t do everything on your own especially after having a baby, and you shouldn’t expect that of yourself.

Think about:

  • Business support, whether that means childcare or coaching for some structure and accountability

  • Postpartum support (mental and physical - think psychotherapy, pelvic floor physical therapy, lactation help if you’re breastfeeding, meal trains, who is going to clean your bathroom or teach you how to use your baby wrap or breast pump etc)

  • Support for navigating the identity shifts and how your life is going to dramatically change overnight from maiden to mother (especially if it’s your first baby)

  • Support with your older kids if it’s not your first baby

  • Support so you can continue to prioritize 1:1 time with your partner

Last fall I hired a business coach and joined a mastermind to give myself some support and it was the best personal and business decision. I’ve already joined the next round of the mastermind so I know I’ll be supported when I come back from maternity leave later this summer. 

I know that if I try to get things done on my own, they just won’t happen and I don’t want to feel like I”m free floating in the cloudy chaos of postpartum.

On the personal side, I’m also getting established with a perinatal therapist for mental and emotional support.

I also need to acknowledge that it’s been four years since my first baby rodeo and we are fortunate to be in a completely different life situation. I’ve been intentionally creating my “village” or system of support ever since becoming a mom, and our household has privileges that many don’t.

  • Ben works from home, is a true co-parent and partner, and gets 3 months of paid family leave. Yes I fully appreciate this and him!

  • Thomas is now a semi-independent preschooler and will continue going to school 3 full days each week.

  • We live 35 minutes from my mother in law and have made a few babysitter connections so I’ll be able to have support with the baby when I need it. 

  • I’m taking midwife approved medication for my anxiety which has been helping me feel much more emotionally and mentally stable.

  • And my business has been established for four more years than before! I have much more experience and clarity in what I do and my long term goals.

2. Simplify

Over the last year I’ve been slowly letting go of extra side projects and smaller offers in my business to focus exclusively on my 1:1 coaching for the foreseeable future.

Instead of viewing having a baby as the end of life as I know it, I’m taking a longer perspective when it comes to my work (since I assume I will be doing this decades!) and thinking more in terms of a 3-5 year strategic plan vs. “how much can I accomplish in this calendar year.”

Are there programs, offerings, and group experiences I want to create and launch? Absolutely! I love bringing women together and would espeiclly love to do in-person womens circle at some point. I would love to launch a podcast and run another round of Wild Synchronicity or launch my Back to Biz with Baby group program.


Just not this year ;) 

3. Systematize 

My loose timeline is to take 8 weeks off work, then pick back up 1:1 client calls and work a few hours a week once we feel pretty established in our routine. I’m not going to launch anything new or take on projects for the rest of the year, just continue the momentum I’ve built in the past several months. 

Intentional work I have been doing over the past 6 months to get into a flexible and realistic work flow:

  • clarifying my niche, audience, and offerings

  • relationship building, in person and online

  • content batching

  • writing a regular blog/newsletter

  • honing my social media strategy

  • launching a new free offer with automated emails that nurture my audience and lead into my paid coaching offer

  • establishing set times and days of the week to take client calls

  • creating a “content bank” of copy, posts, and emails I can send

As someone who is easily inspired and has “shiny object syndrome” and endless creative ideas, it is super super super hard for me to let go and simplify.

But I shifted my mindset.

Instead of looking at what I am missing out on or sacrificing, I’m looking at what’s most important to me right now, and giving myself lots of permission slips:

To have low energy.

To work less.

To have more time and space to prepare for the baby and enjoy spending time with my firstborn in our last weeks as a family of 3.

To make space for fun hobbies and projects like decorating our house… embroidery… sewing for fun… instead of feeling like I need to cram as many work projects into my life as possible to prep for leave.

The thing about taking a leave is that you will come back!

It’s ok to save some work for later if you don’t get everything done.

It’s ok to schedule projects, goals, and ideas out on your timeline, even years in the future.

Permission to be present in the moment.

Permission to change your mind, and change your plans if it turns out you need or want something different!

Having a baby might be the end of life as you know it, but it’s the beginning of a whole new chapter that is going to surprise, delight, and stretch you in ways you can’t even fathom right now.

You don’t have to have it all figured out. As painful as it is for me to accept this… as a Type A control freak who strives on structure and plans… maybe this is an invitation to go with the flow a little more!

When I was pregnant with my first baby, one of my biggest fears was how I would manage to continue the work I loved as a coach and creative entrepreneur while also being the present mama I wanted to be.

It felt impossible because it was all so new and I didn’t see many other people or role models living this “middle path” that’s not really being a stay at home mom, but also not being a full time working mom.

Our brains automatically go to Worst Case Scenario thinking, so we have to choose positive possibilities instead.

So I created this affirmation:

What if…

✨Having a baby is the BEST THING that could happen to my life and business✨

And honestly, it will be true if you decide to make it come true.

I know that planning for a baby and maternity leave as a creative business owner or solo entrepreneur feels completely overwhelming, which is why I love doing my part to support women who are transitioning into motherhood or balancing your creative purpose driven work in the world with your calling to be a mom.

If you want some help brainstorming what YOU need for your maternity leave, you can click here to schedule a totally free 30 minute call with me. I’d love to help you feel more empowered, organized, and confident heading into this new exciting season!

xo Anna

How to feel more balanced as a mom

2023Anna Locke

When I talk with other moms about their biggest struggles and what we need the most, we usually come back to one common theme:

Feeling "balanced”

But what does that look or feel like in real life?

It’s a myth that balance as a mom means giving 100% to everyone and everything.

Because when we inevitably drop a ball, we feel like a guilty failure. Hello, impossible!!

In reality, work-life balance is a constantly moving target, not a destination.

And it’s *not* about spending an equal amount of time and energy on everything.

It’s a continuous, daily process of finding an equilibrium that allows us to feel the most fulfilled so we can thrive and function at our best.

To me, feeling my best is not a solo job.

It involves the support of my partner, family, and community. It also requires some structural support like creating a schedule that allows space for play and rest, as well as time to focus on my work and myself.

But ultimately balance is a state of being.

Underneath the ups and downs of normal life, it’s knowing and feeling like I am capable and competent to handle challenges, having the capacity and time to focus on the things that I’m most passionate about, and being able to work towards long range goals or dreams.

What do you need to feel balanced?

If you want some help in defining what you need, let me be your life coach this week! ✨🤗

Click here​​ to sign up for my free 5 Day Glow Up series, for creative moms.

xo Anna

Hey fellow mom!

Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed, mentally zonked from a long winter of endless viruses?

Not to mention coming out of the the black vortex of pandemic parenting. YEAHH. Blah.

Let’s flip things around and get your inner glow back!

In the FREE 5 Day Glow Up I will empower you with:

  • more positive energy and pleasure WITHIN the daily mom grind

  • permission to put yourself first, without feeling guilty

  • self-trust and confidence in the decisions you make for your family

  • reconnection with your partner (yes the romance is still available I promise!)

  • an introduction to your inner Queen Archetype