Anna Maria Locke

5 Day Glow Up

A free video series to help you ditch the “mom guilt” and step into your Inner Queen

5 day glow up with Anna Maria Locke.png

Hey fellow mom!

Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed, mentally zonked from a long winter of endless viruses?

Not to mention coming out of the the black vortex of pandemic parenting. YEAHH. Blah. Let’s flip things around and get your inner glow back!

In this FREE Series I will empower you with:

  • more positive energy and pleasure WITHIN the daily mom grind

  • permission to put yourself first, without feeling guilty

  • self-trust and confidence in the decisions you make for your family

  • reconnection with your partner (yes the romance is still available I promise!)

  • an introduction to your inner Queen Archetype