Anna Maria Locke

January 2013

healthy banana bread muffins

January 2013AnnaComment


This week flew by, as I have been obsessively building my etsy shop. Adding new items gives me a high and I am excited about the Valentines cards and the new fluffy infinity scarves I'm adding!

Do you have any fun weekend plans? My best friend is coming to Chicago for a visit and for a medical residency interview. I can't believe she's almost a medical resident! That sounds so official. We used to want to be pediatricians together in grade school, and she is actually making those dreams come to life (I quit on them after discovering environmental science ha).

Also, it is supposed to be FREEZING here, like, lows in the single digits wahhh. I can't really complain though since we still haven't gotten any snow.

Anyway, here's a little muffin recipe for your Saturday breakfast!

At my bridal shower last summer all the guests were asked to bring a recipe to make a little cookbook for me. One of my bridesmaids (also named Anna) gave me this delicious banana bread recipe, or as she calls it "Benanna bread" for our celebrity name. I subbed vanilla Greek yogurt for the butter, which kind of altered the texture and made them more spongy but still delicious! If you go the healthy route the muffins are best toasted!

Healthy Banana Bread Muffins

aka Benanna Bread

Makes 1 loaf or 11-12 muffins.


-2 cups flour

-1/2 t. baking soda

-1 t. baking powder

-1/2 t. salt

-1/2 cup butter (I used 1/2 cup vanilla Greek yogurt instead for healthy version)

-1/2 cup brown sugar

-1 egg

-3 T. milk

-3-4 large bananas

-1 T. vanilla

-1 T. cinnamon

-1/4 cup nuts if your husband doesn't hate them

In a large mixing bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt. In a separate bowl, cream sugar and Greek yogurt (or butter). Beat the egg slightly and mix into wet ingredients. Peel the bananas, add to wet ingredients, and mash until creamy (I use a potato masher). Add vanilla and milk, then LIGHTLY combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix in nuts (optional).

Spread batter in a large loaf pan or a muffin tin coated with cooking spray.

Bread: Bake at 350* for 40-50 minutes

Muffins: Bake at 350* for 18-22 minutes, until tops are browned.

Enjoy warm!