Anna Maria Locke

caprese pizza for one


My love affair with fresh basil began in the late summer of 2009, when I had just moved into my little apartment in Pennsylvania below my crazy-gardening landlords. They had a basil surplus that year and gifted me a few bushes, which turned into so much pesto that I found some still lurking in the depths of my freezer when I moved out this summer. 

The point of this story is that I bought a little basil plant at a roadside market on my way home from Jacksonville this weekend, and was inspired to make this little caprese pizza. Truthfully, the real star of the pizza is not the basil but the AMAZING pita bread that I used for a crust, made from this recipe. Seriously. Make the pita bread. And make sure you let the dough rise the full amount of time, it is key for the airy squishiness factor. 

Caprese Pizza for one
-one pita bread, preferably that of Annie's Eats (prebaked) but you don't have to be an overachiever. use pre-bought; it just won't be as delicious...
-cherry tomatoes
-fresh basil
-dried (or fresh!) oregano
-fresh mozarella
-shredded Asiago
-olive oil

Brush or spray the pita with a little bit of olive oil (I got a Misto at TJMaxx for five dollars and it is so useful).
Sprinkle with oregano, layer with sliced tomato, cheeses, and basil.
Bake for about 10 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Honestly, this MAYBE would have been even better unbaked, with the pita warmed up beforehand. So if you are too hot to think about turning on your oven or even toaster oven, feel free to skip the baking altogether!

Happy August!