Anna Maria Locke


[the only masters students in our cohort to make it out by Spring]
 [the mountain I live on. and our backwards hoods...]
[would not have made it without this guy]

I am officially a Master of Science in Geography!
Grad school was hard, fun, stressful, fast, and intense, and I have seen myself grow up over the past 2 years.
I started this little blog to keep in touch with my family as I moved across the country to enter the Geography program at Penn State, and I will keep on chronicling the unknown life adventures to come (chronicle= one of those words that looks weird if you stare at it for a while). Part of me can't believe I am officially "done" with this step but a bigger part feels relieved and proud of myself! This has been a spring of major exciting changes, and I can't wait to find out what happens next! (aka, job....???)

p.s. Academic Regalia is ridiculous.

p.p.s. Thank you for all the sweet words on our engagement! Unfortunately the Great Blogger Crash deleted some of your comments but I have them saved in my email :)