Anna Maria Locke

November 2015

tips for a healthy, happy Thanksgiving!

November 2015Anna LockeComment

I wrote this letter to my private coaching clients, but I wanted to share it on the blog too!

Dear beautiful girl,

It's Thanksgiving Eve, my in-laws are coming into town tonight, and I'm sitting on the couch typing this email while Ben is frantically cleaning and dusting (he is such a good hubby, hahahaha).

Since Thanksgiving is a food holiday I know it can bring on some stress revolving around emotional eating, food guilt, over-eating, not to mention all the family drama you might be headed into!

So I want to give you permission to take a deep breath and TURN OFF all your food judgements, labels, "clean eating" mentality, and pressure.

This is not about figuring out how to have a "21 Day Fix approved" (or even TIU approved) holiday, or making "healthy alternatives" of your fave treats. 

This is not about worrying about binging or ruining all your progress, or being afraid you'll set yourself back and go down the dark spiral of uncontrolled eating and holiday weight gain. (I've got you, girl!! You know that!)

This IS about focusing on the reason for the season.

Family, friends, and gratitude.

We live in a scary scary world these days, and the last thing we need is to put more fear and bad vibes on ourselves. So let's focus on love. Self love, family love, gratitude for the blessing of waking up every single day with the choice to move our bodies, the freedom to do what we want, and the abundance of our pumpkin spice latte-fueled country we are so lucky to live in.

You are so so so lucky, blessed, and LOVED, beautiful girl.


Tips for a Healthy, Happy Thanksgiving!

1. Make sure to eat a BIG healthy breakfast Thursday morning! 

May I suggest some pumpkin cranberry oatmeal? You'll need energy to carry you through the day, and if your blood sugar is stable you'll be less likely to overeat later.

Whatever you do, do NOT restrict calories to "make room" for your big meal...treat it like a normal day with some extra treats! Friends don't let friends live hangry.

2. Get your body moving first thing! Sneak in a 20-30 minute workout.

I recommend getting outside for a power walk or run to clear your head, have some alone time, and give yourself a chance to think and reflect on everything you're grateful for!

A 30 minute weight circuit (21 Day Fix or try a Hammer and Chisel sneak peek on Beachbody On Demand!) is also a good option, because strength training will boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.

3. Choose your intention for the day and let go of black and white "good or bad" rules.

What's your greatest value? Health, joy, pleasure?

Make choices based on that value!

4. Put your appetizers on a plate! Be careful not to mindlessly snack to calm your nerves or numb your anxiety, esp if you're an introvert like me!

5. Drink a glass of water in between each glass of wine or cocktail.

6. At the big meal, fill your plate with 75% salad and veggies.

7. Use the "three bite rule" for starchy or more indulgent sides.

Take only enough to eat three bites and enjoy EVERY SINGLE BITE! If you want more of your faves, go back for another small 3 bite scoop. This will prevent you from mindlessly over-eating the stuffing and sides that will make your tummy feel blerg. PLUS we want to save room for pie!!!

8. ENJOY! This holiday only comes once a year, so live it up!

Food is simply a vehicle that allows you to have energy to go out into your day. It's body and soul nourishment, part of our life and society, and enjoyment is a huge aspect of it!

Travel safe if you're on the road, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

xo Anna

p.s. Are you spending some time traveling or in the car? Make sure to listen to Jess Lively's latest podcast episode on intuitive eating through the holidays! And then let me know your takeaways :)


how to overcome food guilt

November 2015Anna LockeComment

When’s the last time you felt guilty for eating something?

If your answer is “never,” I’m super proud of you. You clearly have your shit together, and I say that as a compliment. Since you don’t need this post, feel free to head over to my Etsy shop and buy lots and lots of gorgeous scarves for Christmas presents ;)

If your answer is more like “...last night...and don’t even talk to me about Thanksgiving because I’m freaking out,” this post is for you. Oh, and you are totally normal, so stop beating yourself up over beating yourself up!

I’m about to open up on a topic I’ve never really shared before, because to be honest I’ve still been working through it until recently. I’m usually an open book when it comes to my life and struggles on social media, but I’m also a follower of the Brene Brown school of vulnerability and sharing. (Her rule is that if you’re still in the middle of processing a story or personal issue, you shouldn’t openly share it with the world until you’re on the other side and can handle any potentially critical or judgemental feedback without taking it personally.)

Here’s the truth: Ever since high school I’ve struggled with a borderline negative emotional relationship with food.

I wouldn’t call it an actual eating disorder, just a mild obsession constantly in the back of my mind, especially at parties and social events.

It stems from my perfectionism and need to be in control, and is related to my issues with body image and self worth (which is another can of chickpeas I’ll save for a later post).

It feels like a constant awareness of what I’m eating and what I “should” eat, and feeling regretful or guilty when I can’t control my cravings or give into my emotions and eat mindlessly to fill the void left by low energy, or to numb my social anxiety at parties and events.

My personality is geared towards constant improvement and structure (INFJ-T) so I LOVE following nutrition and workout plans, and I’ve followed various “rules” over the years, like no carbs after 3pm, no bread, no processed food, no red meat (that one was the quickest to go!), drink only on the weekends, have a treat meal only once a week, etc etc. But whenever I broke a rule, I’d feel guilty and beat myself up, or feel compelled to “burn off the calories” with an extra workout or run.

Over the past couple months I’ve only noticed that my food relationship has finally started to improve. I eat whatever I want and rarely feel guilty when I do overindulge (hello, life!), and I finally view my workouts as ways to boost my energy and confidence instead of burn calories. I’m learning how to trust my body. This summer I stopped caring about tracking my food and started focusing on lifting weights and eating for strength and performance. Best. Decision. Ever.

And so I’m finally ready to come out of the closet and talk about emotional eating, because I KNOW this is an issue that almost all women struggle with at some point in their lives.

Plus the holidays are approaching, aka the most triggering season of the year for anyone who struggles with their food relationship, so if this is something you also struggle with I want you to know you're not alone.

Kodiak Cakes power protein pancake with almond butter, raspberries, and maple syrup.

Kodiak Cakes power protein pancake with almond butter, raspberries, and maple syrup.

For the past two years I’ve been posting on my health and fitness Instagram as part of the Tone It Up community, where it’s normal to share pictures of all your meals for the day, both as accountability and also to inspire other women to eat healthier too.

Something I’ve been noticing lately is how LITTLE some of the women I follow eat. Or how they’ll beat themselves up for eating “too much” or “slipping up” and then feel compelled to punish themselves with a restrictive detox or slim down.

I don’t usually post all my meals anymore, but i decided to take pictures of everything I ate on Tuesday just to see what a typical day really looks like for me. I eat a ton of food, relatively. It’s almost all healthy, but if I’m hungry I’m going to eat! I got a really big positive response to my “What I Eat in a Day” post, which made me realize how many other women are living trapped by these dumb rules, calorie restriction, and food shaming.

Where I’ve come from

Me in 2006!

Me in 2006!

In college I lost 20 pounds by running every day and cutting my calories by swapping processed food for lower calorie alternatives (mmm Lean Pockets), and for several years I was always paranoid about gaining the weight back. I was compulsively addicted to the scale and extra mindful of the food I put into my mouth, because I thought if I started to slip up or eat too much, BOOM I would be “fat” again.

Then I went through my quarter life crisis phase, which included several cross country moves, periods of unemployment mixed with temporary jobs, moving to Chicago (the first time I’ve lived in a big city), getting married. Needless to say, I was dealing with a LOT of anxiety and emotional overload, but I didn’t have the perspective to cut myself any slack.

I ended up joining the Tone It Up community in 2013 because although i knew how to eat healthy, I still wasn’t happy and knew I finally needed to do something about it.

The TIU meal plan taught me the importance of self love and eating REAL food, I met a lot of great friends, and still love the positivity and support of the community, but the nutrition plan wasn’t really clicking for me and I still knew I had inner issues to work on. That led to signing up as a Beachbody coach, as a way to hold myself accountable and do something for ME, as well as motivate and inspire other women by sharing my journey.

(Sidenote: This is why I laugh when someone wants to be a coach but uses excuses like “But I’m not at my own “after” yet! I’m still working on my will I be able to be a successful coach or inspire other people??” Oh honey. We teach what we most need to learn. You are most inspiring when you ARE in the middle of your own battles and can show other women “look, I’m here, I’m not perfect, but this is where I want to go and I’m not giving up.” And physical transformations are the tip of the iceberg.)

I tried the 21 Day Fix and it gave me a foundation of how to recognize proper portions of food and BALANCE so I could finally learn how to trust myself around food, and eat for energy instead of weight loss. I loved the structure, but eventually I did have to learn how to trust everything I learned and release the system in favor of more intuitive eating (although I definitely use the container system as a guide to make sure I'm getting the right balance of macro-nutrients!).

Since then my passion with discovering my best self and helping other women believe in themselves too has morphed into a full time career and my life purpose. Although I’ve been coaching other women to reach their own life and health goals for the past two years, I’m just now FINALLY feeling like I’m getting control of my own relationship with food and my body. This is one of my favorite parts of being part of the Beachbody community, you’re literally walking your journey alongside other people who are going through the exact same thing. You’re never alone.

Where am I now?


I've stopped tracking calories or portions but I'm eating to fuel my body, I'm doing more strength training than cardio, and I'm stronger than I've ever been.

I’m making my own food rules.

I eat healthy most of the time, because healthy food makes me feel good.

I love sugar, but it makes my tummy feel like crap so I avoid it when I can.

I’m letting go of perfectionism.

I don’t feel guilty if I over-do it at a party or wedding, but I’m over-doing it less and less as I learn how to manage my social anxiety and energy.

As an introvert, I’m learning how to take care of myself without resorting to food to fill the void when my energy is shot, or numb myself when I’m overwhelmed.

I take the latest fads and diets and plans with a grain of salt.

I believe in bio-individuality, which means that there's no one perfect way of eating. Since we’re all different, we’re all going to have different dietary needs and intolerances, so we have to be really careful with how we emotionally attach ourselves to messages and fad diets.

I don’t say no to the bread basket, because eating bread 3x/day in Holland this summer reminded me that bread is in my genes, and my body can handle it. Plus it makes me super happy.

I no longer compare my food choices to other girls I see on social media, or feel bad about myself if I eat more than them or don't workout as much.

I don’t need accountability to keep myself motivated, because I’m motivated from within.

I know that I do best under a “moderation” approach instead of all or nothing, so I listen to my body and allow myself treats and wine throughout the week instead of binging on the weekends.

How to Overcome Food Guilt

1. You need to give yourself patience, forgiveness, and time, and grace.

It has taken TWO YEARS of working on myself to get to this place where "healthy" is just my new normal instead of a wagon I keep falling off of.

I say this because if you’re also struggling with deep internal battles, it’s easy to beat yourself up for not seeing a “transformation” or visible changes, because we live in a society where instant gratification is expected.

2. Experiment with different ways of eating to figure out what feels best for YOUR body, but make it a science experiment, not a shame and guilt ridden deprivation battle!

3. Trust your body -- she's more resilient than you know. Your brain will try to make rules because it loves structure...but listen to how you FEEL.

We think of food, calories, weight, and fitness as external things we have to control, but really it all comes down to where you are on the inside.

4. Ask yourself: what are you dealing with internally? What’s the root cause of your eating issues? What are your triggers? Stream of consciousness journaling is a great way to siphon through the mental chatter and get to the root of your feelings, and so I include guided journal prompts in all my challenges.

(For me, it all comes down to things like feeling like I’m never good enough, the need to constantly improve myself, a lack of self-worth and self-trust, perfectionism, and having to seek validation from other people or from following a plan. My triggers are feeling low on energy or being in over-stimulating social environments.)

5. Find support! I wouldn’t have been able to get to this place alone. It’s easy for us to hide our “issues” or feel ashamed, but by sharing our struggles we heal ourselves and give other women permission to heal as well.

I’m here because of my coaching team, Inspire Joy, who show me everyday that I’m not alone. I’m here because of all my beautiful clients, who give me motivation to keep showing up because I’m not in this for myself anymore, I’m in it for them.

Email me if you just need someone to listen!

Start with the inside, and the outside changes will happen as a side effect. Throw your damn scale in the trash and start listening to your body.

I’m here because I made the decision to be happier and live up to my own potential. I show up everyday to treat my mind, body, AND spirit with as much love as I can.

I’m still learning.

I’m learning the more and more I learn to trust myself, the more those internal issues are fading away, and it trickles upward to an increased confidence and body image.

Give yourself the gift of grace, forgiveness, and patience, and remember that there’s no deadline to a healthy life, so don’t put pressure on your goals and dreams. Just keep showing up every day, do your best, forget the rest. You are already good enough.

xo Anna

p.s. Here are some of the books, blogs, and resources that have helped me with my food and body image journey!


Women Food and God
Make Your Own Rules Diet


Your Kick-Ass Life
Love Pioneer


The Real Life RD

Disclaimer: I'm not a trained medical professional. All advice and views I share are my own personal opinion. If you feel like you struggle with an eating disorder, please reach out and seek help! You're worth it, and you deserve it.

an insider's guide to a live Beachbody event (The Platinum Edge 2015 recap!)

November 2015Anna LockeComment

This past weekend I flew to Dallas for a training conference hosted by my coaching team.

I know. You're probably thinking "work trip? yawn," but let me tell you that when you're a Beachbody coach, boring, stuffy, awkward work trips are a thing of the past. They're replaced with epic adventures that turn your dreams into reality, introduce you to people who instantly feel like long-lost family, evaporate all your petty self doubts, fears, and insecurities, and make you feel capable of taking over the world.

So yeah.

This was another one of those trips where you know that your life has shifted or aligned (in a good way!), but you’re still not quite sure how the shift is going to work itself I’m going to try to give myself time to marinate and reflect.

I'm buzzing full of ideas, inspiration, and grand schemes and plans for my team and business, but I know that I'm not going to be able to calm down and focus until I process all my feels with a long and rambly blog post.

So here we are.

This weekend was a big full-circle moment for me because it was the second time I’ve attended this particular conference, The Platinum Edge. Last year it was my first official live Beachbody event. I bought the ticket while I was still working full time and had only been coaching a few months. I had absolutely no idea what to expect and joked around with my old co-workers about going to a "fitness cult convention," but  I was blown open and filled with so much energy I wouldn’t shut up for weeks afterward (sorry Ben!).

You see, last year’s trip to Dallas ended up being one of the major turning points in my journey, the moment I truly knew I had found my purpose in life and realized exactly WHAT I was getting myself into with Team Beachbody and the bigger picture of what we do as coaches. I know that I'm going to continuously evolve, but I know for certain that I’m meant to share my story and help other women work towards becoming their best selves, and that Beachbody is the platform for me to make that happen.

If you want to see how far I’ve come in the past year, you can read my 2014 The Platinum Edge recap here. (Warning: extreme passion ahead…you may be inspired to take action on your’ve been warned).

This year felt different because I have a year’s worth of perspective and experience, so I was able to relax and enjoy the trip a little more! I was mainly excited to get the chance to hang out with the seven coaches from my own team who joined me :)

We hadn’t all been together since our trip to Nashville in July for Coach Summit (the huge conference open to the entire Beachbody network), and I was also meeting one of my coaches in person for the very first time!

The power of social media to connect you with other women who share your exact same values, dreams, Meyers-Briggs personality (INFJ baby), and goals in life is pretty ridiculous, and I love explaining to people how I met my friends on Instagram. It’s kind of like love at first sight, or online dating for KNOW you’re meant to be together. You don’t have to spend time building a relationship because you already share so many similarities so you can immediately connect on an incredibly deep level.

My coach Sharayah lives in the Dallas area (this city confuses me so much, it’s like a vast sprawl of highways and sub-cities that are more satellites than suburbs), so I flew in Thursday to spend the night at her place.

We went straight from the airport to TJMaxx and Target for some shopping (priorities!) and then went into Dallas for dinner at HGSplyCo with one of her coaches, Shamira!

We split a delicious veggie and ginger hummus plate complete with bacon chips, then I ate an equally delicious Tex Mex bowl with pulled pork.

Sharayah and I stayed up way too late talking and hanging out, then got up early for a jog around the lake in her neighborhood. It was a perfect morning!

We spent Friday morning driving around the metropolis running errands and picking up food and supplies for the weekend, because apparently spending two nights in a resort means you need to be prepared for an Arctic expedition.

Then we finally made it to the Gaylord Resort to check in and meet up with the rest of our teammates before the conference sessions kicked off Friday afternoon!

Um, can we just talk about the Gaylord Texan for a sec? This place is crazy. It's like an indoor Texas-sized Christmas snowglobe.

Friday night Hannah, Katie and I grabbed cocktails at one of the resort bars (the Paloma is officially my new fave cocktail I discovered in Cabo!), then our bigger team hosted a pajama party...yup these are my people, and we crashed pretty early.

(There were 50 people in the hotel girls and I immeidately found our "introvert corner" hahaha).

Saturday was an early morning live TurboKick workout, and then a full day of sessions!

When you become a coach, you instantly become part of a network of teams, sort of like nested umbrellas or a big family tree. The team that I started is called Inspire Joy and we have about 140 coaches right now (as of November 2015), but we’re part of a larger team called ShredNation, which is then part of a massive team called Platinum Presenters. Platinum Presenters holds roughly ⅓ of all Team Beachbody coaches (there are approx 380,000 coaches in the entire network right now), and The Platinum Edge is our main event of the year. Still with me?

The great thing about a multi-level marketing business structure (which is NOT a pyramid scheme) is that everyone's on an equal playing field, no matter when you sign up. There's no ceiling or limit on the income you can earn or the success you can create for yourself, and so there’s no feeling of competition among Beachbody coaches. Our personal success only elevates the success of the entire network, so there’s a big culture of mentorship, sharing, training, teaching, duplication, and professional as well as personal development.

As my mentor Chelsea put it, "I felt like we were one big family and it was this feeling of, "I love what I do. You love it too? Here's what I do. Let's change the world together."

We got to hear from some of the top leaders in the network and basically hear their insider secrets to how they grew their businesses! Including Chelsea sharing her social media ninja strategies :)

Needless to say we were all pretty physically, emotionally and mentally drained by the end, so we gave ourselves an hour of “introvert downtime” to unwind before heading out to Sweet Tomatoes for an Inspire Joy dinner!

(My happy place!)

This was a surreal moment for me. Sweet Tomatoes is one of my favorite restaurants, and going there with a group of women (who also all love endless salads, baked goods, soft serve, and taking personality and Spirit Animal quizzes) who I didn’t even know 2 years ago was so much fun. Being able to find each other over the powers of the internet is kind of a miracle. This is how I feel whenever I meet a new client or future coach….like OMG another sister?? Where have you been all my life?

After eating way too many veggies, muffins, and soft serve, we went back to the resort and crashed early again.

Sunday we got up early for another live workout, PiYo with Chalene herself! This was the third time I’ve had the privilege of doing a PiYo class with Chalene and it’s pretty much my definition of happiness and joy.

The at-home version of PiYo is good, but it just doesn’t compare to the real deal, and I’ve been throwing around the idea of becoming PiYo certified ever since last year because it just feels too good not to share. Too many life goals...

After we finished sculpting our buns of steel, we went through our shower and Shakeology rotation and headed back for one last round of sessions to close out the conference! Sunday was probably my favorite day.

Chalene presented on using Periscope, and James Wedmore did an amazing YouTube training.

Sharing more videos is something that’s been on my mind a lot lately (and I LOVE learning and listening to presentations), so I was in my element!

I’ve officially started a (super awkward) channel on Periscope and am going to broadcast a video every single day, trial by fire style...feel free to download the app and follow me (annamarialocke)!

If there’s one thing I’ll say about Chalene, it’s that she is incredibly motivating and will get you to take action on pretty much anything, regardless of how terrified you are.

After the conference ended, I had a few hours before I had to catch my flight back to Chicago so I ended up just chilling and hanging out with three of my coaches who didn’t have to leave right away either. This was maybe my favorite moment of the whole trip, just chatting and decompressing, encouraging and inspiring each other to get after our plans and big ideas.

This fall I can tell I’ve been entering a new phase of my life and business, but I haven't been able to quite put my finger on what's changing. I’m letting go of a lot of my old fears and self doubts, and also facing a lot of resistance and insecurities in that process of release.

I do know that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be, and that big things are in store. I’m finally learning to be at peace with being a beginner, and not pressuring myself to instantly succeed (or beating myself up for moving slower than I think I “should” be).

I know for certain that the only thing holding me back is myself...but I’m not alone and I’m learning how to accept and receive help and support!

You aren’t alone either.

As coaches, we work for ourselves and it’s easy to feel alone when you’re stuck behind a screen, but when we have a chance to come together in real life it’s the most powerful experience.

(With the lady who sucked me into this madness, my gorgeous friend and coach Deidre! I can't believe I was so skeptical at took me about 3 months of obsessive research to pull the trigger on coaching, can you believe it?)

Think about your secret dream or passion. I know you have one! You might not have ever share it with anyone because you’re afraid of sounding stupid or unrealistic...but think of that “too good to be true” vision for your life.

Now imagine being in a ballroom with 1000 people who not only share a similar version of that vision, but who are actively working on making it come true.

Are you with me?

Yup, it’s pretty powerful.

I wouldn’t say I feel unstoppable now, but I do feel completely aligned, confident, and supported with where I’m at and where I’m going.

Becoming a coach sounds scary, until you just do it and realize that it’s not a big leap at all.


It’s simply a small step into the person you were meant to be all along, and our team is here to welcome you with open arms (and maybe a crazy workout or Paloma).

xo Anna

You can learn more about coaching with Inspire Joy here! If you have any questions, please send me an email! There’s no such thing as a stupid question. I love sharing my experiences as a coach and would love to hear your story too :)

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.