Anna Maria Locke

Happy Halloweeeen!

As soon as I am done with my CRAZY FRIDAY
I am headed to B-more for the weekend to see Ben!
This is actually the first time we have ever gone out for Halloween together,
even though this makes the fourth Halloween that we've known each other!
I don't know how that happened...

I was up until the wee hours putting the finishing touches on my COSTUME.
(aka shredding and stitching a swath of fabric to make it not look like a toga)

Ben and his roommates decided to be the Ghostbusters
(I don't know why but they were excited about it)
So that left me with ZUUL THE GATEKEEPER!!!

I have actually never seen Ghostbusters, just listened to my uncle's cassette tape soundtrack as a kid
I didn't even know it was a movie; I thought it was a TV show shhhhh...

But I can rock the 80's hair!

This costume may even surpass last year's Ginger Spice. (but probably not)

Happy Halloween!